Is Their Growing Panic In The Establishment GOP?
Opinion, Politics January 30, 2021Already soft-spoken voices in the GOP are breathlessly telling the Republican base that Republicans can’t be fighting each other, that we must come together to present a united front! I like the united front theme. It explains why so many Republicans chose to unify with the Democrat Marxists in support of their own hatred of Donald Trump, if not actually participating in election fraud against him to turn our government over to the Marxists. It’s goodbye America!
But, that’s the problem, isn’t it? Unity means one side must abandon their principles to the other side for the sake of unity. Why should Trump supporters give up their principles to the RiNO infested Republican Party’s Establishment when Trump never did? To do so would leave the establishment elites totally in charge of the Conservative political message and the checkbook, and we would be back to square one again. Nope! Don’t want to go there. They are in a panic!
Donald Trump has remarkably, been the most effective American leader since Abraham Lincoln to confront the serious divisions in America’s body politic. He changed our thinking, focused our attention on the corruption within the federal government, especially in the nation’s supposedly most elite Law Enforcement agency, the FBI, filled as it turned out with elements of rotten corrupt cops and lawyers occupying the leadership to keep the other elites safe from harm.
Trump exposed the corruption in government and seeing his success, we don’t want to go back to the old ways. The crook, China Joe Biden, and the cheating Democrats are working overtime to keep what they gained. Don’t expect 2024 to be a cakewalk because we think American voters will have voters remorse and happily reinstall Republicans. No, no! The Democrats have achieved their goal, total power, and will never give it up without a fight, especially to Trump!
For years Democrats tried unsuccessfully to sell socialism to Americans but Americans didn’t need nor want collectivization. Now, It will be forced on us. Expect clueless Biden to promote the Left’s demands to reprogram Trump supporters. As George Orwell told us in ‘1984,’ “Truth is treason in an empire of lies; and in a time of treason truth is a revolutionary act.” That explains why a California Democrat feels free to demand that Speaker Pelosi disenfranchise Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga-14) because he fears her conservatism? Are we to accept his demand is better than what Georgia voters demanded? Who the hell is he? He’s a Commie maggot that needs to be sent to the Gulag himself for his reeducation.
But, I drift away from my point, the lack of GOP Unity, and how to solve it. The best answer is to replace all incumbents with conservatives willing to face a Democrats firing squad. Not easy! Trump is gone but, he took the party with him. GOP’s deep state leader, Kevin McCarthy, himself in danger of being replaced, is in Mar Largo fawning at the feet of Donald Trump wondering what Trump intends to do. To do? Get rid of ’em, that’s what to do, and we must help!
Forget a Patriot Party. Trump doesn’t want it. Trump already has the Republican Party and the GOP elites had better have a Come to Jesus talk with themselves or they too may soon be wandering in the wilderness. Desperate voices don’t work for America so Conservatives need to be ready for the call, and challenge Democrats all the time because our elites won’t do it!
Consider, the 2020 election saw Republicans gain state and local seats everywhere. Pelosi doesn’t have a solid majority and she knows it. In two short years, we should be able to take back both houses of Congress, If not obstructed by our old GOP “establishment elites.”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (29Jan21)
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